Thesaurus & Ontology Management

Wednesday, September 11, 2019 - 15:00 to 16:30
Robert David


Automatic Enrichment of Ontology for Engineering Design Process

In engineering design projects, engineers have to enter component data into their design tools. This process is usually manual, because even though data sheets are mostly provided in digital format (e.g. PDF files), the data is not machine-readable. Furthermore, the data sheets follow no standard in terms of design and terminology, resulting in misunderstanding and lack of data provenance information. Ideally, all component suppliers would offer data in machine-readable, standard format. However, this is an unrealistic scenario, at least for the time being.

Ontology-driven data exchange system for grid companies

The energy losses discovery in the grid requires intensive data exchange between the transmission/distribution systems operators and retail electricity companies. Since these companies are using various billing and dispatching systems, they have unaligned master data and different structure of the transactional data, which cannot easily be matched. Ontology-driven data exchange is a solution which offers tools for data transformation, validation and merge.

Asset Data Must Be FAIR!

Managing physical assets in the constructed environment, such as roads and bridges, but also artefacts in buildings, is increasingly information intensive. With the advent of new technologies, such as sensoring and digital twins, expectations are rising. The asset manager needs information to plan maintenance activities, to meet compliance requirements, and more. Other parties need information about the assets for other purposes, such as traffic management, safety and incident response. The data is obtained from a variety of sources, such as contractors.